Youth Journalists’ Club

Global Youth Philanthropy_Boston (GYP) runs a Youth Journalists’ Club for middle and high school students. The students may learn Journalists’skills and improve their understanding of social issues through social interviews, reporting, and other social interactions.

As GYP-Boston is a part of the GYP Worldwide network, our Youth Journalists’ Club is a “brother project” to Youth Journalists’ Club
of GYP-Canada, which has a more extended history.

Besides the social interview, reporting, and Journalists’ skills training, GYP-Boston Youth Journalists’ Club will launch a photojournalism
programs, in cooperation with our Art & Philanthropy Center, in early 2023.

GYP -Boston Youth Journalists’ Club Co-president:

Steven Alexander Miall 

Hi everyone, I’m Steven Miall. I’m a 15-year-old and a sophomore at Boston Latin School. I am a competitive fencer and also a fencing coach for little kids. In school, I am a part of the Sports Analytics Club, DECA, Junior Achievement, and also YEMA. I play the Alto Saxophone in my school’s band. Other hobbies I like are coding, watching sports, talking on my podcast, and being with my friends. 


GYP -Boston Youth Journalists’ Club Co-president: Grace K. Cai

Hi, I am a high schooler in Newton, MA. My favorite subject at school is science. I have been taking Python, Java, and R programming classes. I am the advertising endorser for Smart Kids Coding in Singapore. I am the founder and president of the High School Artificial Intelligence Club. This summer, I just took a three-week AI Camp. I want to share my AI knowledge with you. Besides my passion for science, I am also a competitive figure skater, the principal Yanyqin (hammered dulcimer) player of the Boston Chinese MusicianAssociation Youth Orchestra, pianist, and singer for the High school Honor Vocal Program Madrigal.