Why join Global Youth Philanthropy Students’ Association

About GYP Students’ Association?How to join GYP Students’ Association?

1), GYP Students’ Association can apply for President’s Volunteer Service Award for qualified volunteers in its member’s organization;

2), To help its institute members to grow by publishing volunteers recruiting and promotion information on GYP association website, social media, newsletter;

3 ), To develop the standard student’s philanthropical projects for its members so all members can start and extend their volunteering programs easily.

Basic Responsibilities of members of GYP Association.

1), To provide a contact person for ongoing communication between GYP Association and your students’ organization.

2), To maintain regular updates of program progress to the association;

3 ), To distribute and promote GYP association news and publications in your community

Other contributions to GYP Association (optional)

1), To join GYP National Board

2), To recruit volunteers in the local community as the Association Staff ;

3), To organize one event on GYP International Students Forum each year. 

4), To participate GYP Association conferences

6th GYP Students Forum- Talents Show