GYP Publication Club is a joint initiative by GYP-Boston and a network of student literature clubs in top high schools in Beijing and Shanghai. Our mission is to provide a platform for elementary and high school students to publish their history reviews, literature reviews, creative writing, and more while promoting intercultural communication.
Each year, we produce a limited number of well-designed E-books and newsletters, with the central part of our publications in English. We also publish Chinese language newsletters for students in China.
A team of students from the USA, Canada, China, and beyond manages our club. We have a network of Student Ambassadors who play a crucial role in connecting GYP with a diverse range of students worldwide.
Join the GYP Publication Club today to showcase your writing talents and share your thoughts with a global audience!
Student Leaders of GYP Publication Club:
Lucy Yuxuan Zhang from Boston Latin School in Boston

Lucy Yuxuan Zhang is a ninth grader at Boston Latin School, experienced in public speaking and debate. She is the secretary, an active participant in the school’s Model United Nations club, and the Middle School Division officer for the BLS Science Team. She enjoys trying new things in her free time, drawing and painting, singing in the school’s acapella group, playing the violin, and fencing. Described by her teachers and classmates as an initiative student, she takes every opportunity to help others and contribute to the community.
Molin Wang Rancho, Etiwanda Intermediate School, California US

Molin Wang is an 8th-grade student at Day Creek Intermediate School located in U.S. California. She had experience teaching debate
classes and participating in debate mocks and competitions. Besides form practicing speeches and debate skills, she also reads
fictional novels as her leisure activities. She is always looking forward to teaching and participating in competitions. Molin would
like to meet friends who are also interested in speech and debate and hope to give strength in helping the world.
Michael Shi from Beijing No. 2 High School in Beijing, China

Michael Yiji Shi is an eleventh grader at Beijing No.2 International Division. During his years in school, he set up a student newspaper club and provided his classmates with sophisticated student publications. In his free time, he enjoys doing creative things, including composing music pieces, writing stories or poems, playing the piano, etc. Despite all that, he often engages in class discussions and likes to help others when it is possible.