The research club of Global Youth Philanthropy-Boston is guided by a Professional Advisory Board, which consists of seven experienced professors and researchers from top universities and research institutes in Canada, China, and the USA.
Following are GYP PAB Members. The order of the list is by alphabetical order of his or her last name and first name.
Dr. Jian Li from Wuhan, China

Dr. Li Jian is a Huazhong University of Science and Technology professor and the Distinguished I Position of “Central China Outstanding Scholar.”
Ph.D. in Ceramic Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, Ph.D. in Metal Materials from the Beijing Iron and Steel Research Institute; and Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Materials Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University; He once served as a senior materials engineer at FuelCell Energy in the United States and a senior scientist at Global Thermoelectric in Canada. After returning to China, he joined Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He established a fuel cell research center to research and develop solid oxide fuel cell technology. He has long been engaged in the research and development of critical materials, single cells, stacks, and system integration of solid oxide fuel cells.
Dr. Jiaojiao Li from Chongqing, China

Jiaojiao Li, Ph.D. , majored in business management, and has served as an associate professor and postgraduate tutor at the business school of Southwest University Politics & Law in Chongqing; their primary research interests lie in the fields of accounting, finance, and auditing. I have published more than 30 academic articles in professional Journals and hosted or participated in almost ten scientific research projects. I have published almost ten academic monographs. I am a Senior Accountant in China and CMA of the USA, and a member of the Chinese Audit Association and IMA of the USA.
Dr. (Helen ) Handan Liu from Boston, USA

Associate Professor of Computer Engineering and Data Science at Northeastern University in Boston, MA 02115. Her teaching and research fields include High-performance parallel computing, General machine learning, Graph Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, and AI.
Dr. Jingli Luo, the University of Alberta, Canada

Dr. Luo has conducted extensive research on corrosion, the mechanism of erosion corrosion, corrosion control, and prevention. She has served as an International Corrosion Council Member since 2005, has published over 300 papers in refereed journals, and holds six US patents. She co-edited three proceedings of the national and international symposiums and contributed one book chapter. Dr. Luo is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the recipient of a number of awards, including the Canadian Research Chair in Alternative Fuel Cells (2004-2015); the Canadian Metal Chemistry Award in 2014, McCalla Professorship University of Alberta in 2003; and Morris Cohen Award in 2002.
Dr. Hongmei Mou, Harvard Medical School-MGH, Boston USA

Dr. Hongmei Mou is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard-associated Massachusetts General Hospital and the Principal Investigator at the Mucosal Immunology & Biology Research Mou Laboratory. The Mou Lab applies stem cell technologies to investigate personalized medicine approaches for lung and airway diseases, including
cystic fibrosis, asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).
Dr. Shijian Zhang: an instructor at the Department of Microbiology at Harvard Medical School and at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Dr. Zhang has been focusing on understanding HIV-1 envelope (Env) membrane protein production, structure, glycosylation and antigenicity, and HIV-1 immunogen design. Dr. Zhang received a Ph.D. from the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In his graduate work, he systematically studied Influenza A virus replication and transcription after establishing the in-vitro transcription and replication system using purified influenza A RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). Immediately after graduation, he joined the Roche Research and Development (R&D) center and began to work in a new field of hepatitis B virus (HBV). He identified a protein named TRIM41, which could inhibit the HBV life cycle by suppressing the virus transcription, and also helped the development team to identify HBV-resistant mutants to a compound targeting HBV capsid protein.
Dr. Xueli Zou California State University, Chico (CSUC), USA

Dr. Xueli Zou is a professor in the Department of Physics at California State University, Chico (CSUC). She served as department chair from 2015-2018. She is a well-established scholar in physics education research and specializes in innovative instruction, curriculum development, and student learning outcome assessment. She is one of the original three professors who proposed, developed, and tested the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) in 2000 with the NSF’s support. She has been well documented and cited as the first pioneer who developed and introduced student design experiments for introductory-level physics courses. Currently, the ISLE approach and student design experiments have been proven to be among the best practices in physics instruction and have been widely adopted in the U.S. and some other countries as well. She has also been actively involved in the K-12 science education programs and once served as the Science Director of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education at CSUC.