There is a training program organized by Connor Mi, one of Boston GYP students’ Board members.
Learn about challenges and solutions to environmental sustainability through iCare Youth’s EcoMind program. It is completely online and at-your-own pace, and upon completion, participants will receive a certificate and a $15 honorarium. Register through the Google form:
The 2025 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) will take place in March, with the first week held online and the second week (March 24–28) in person at the Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG), Switzerland.
A delegation of Boston Global Youth Philanthropy (GYP) students, advisors, and parents will travel to Geneva to participate in this significant humanitarian event. In partnership with USSG, Boston GYP will co-host a key session on:
March 25 Tuesday | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (local time) | Salle Lausanne Session Title:Empowering Youth in Humanitarian Action: Insights from “GYP Youth Humanitarian Navigator” & Leveraging Digital Innovation for Environmental Training
The session will feature opening remarks from:
Mr. Thomas Peter, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Ms. Tina El Khoury, Environment and Humanitarian Action Network (EHAN)
This session is listed on the HNPW website under the USSG network: Session Link
Additionally, Boston GYP students will present at the Annual Meeting of the Environment and Humanitarian Action Network (EHAN):
March 27 (Thursday) | 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (local time) | Salle 16
This session is listed on the HNPW website under the EHAN network: Session Link
Both sessions are hybrid, allowing participants to join remotely if they cannot travel to Geneva.