Global Youth Philanthropy (GYP) successfully launched its second art show. Below is a report of the event.
The Art Exhibition, jointly sponsored by GYP and the Boston Central Library, started on July 17 and ended on August 1, 2023. A gathering event was held at Teen Central of the Boston Central Library on July 22. The event drew 23 young artists and their parents and friends. Andrew Zheng, Art Chairman of GYP, presided over the activity, and Sean Zheng, a member of GYP, introduced the history, mission, and three recent activities of GYP: International Cultural Symposium, GYP Volunteer Award, and Student Publication.
During the event, Andrew Zheng explained the layout of the Art Exhibition; Each year, different art exhibition topics are generated in response to global changes. Last year, the theme was Health, Community, and Family. With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting people’s lives so deeply, this was fitting. 2023 was not short of major events. With the Russo-Ukrainian war raging on and the world longing for peace, this year’s theme was Rebirth, Development, and Peace.
Last year more than 40 paintings were submitted for the 2022 Art Exhibition, which were displayed in Boston Central Library, Jamaica Plain Library, and Brookline Library, respectively. The pieces came from six different states in the United States, as well as Canada and China. This year, over 30 entries were submitted for the 2023 art exhibition from three states in the United States, China, and Japan.
The librarian of the Teen Central of Boston Central Library, Matty Cropley, was invited to introduce the various programs offered by the central library and the Teen Central. In addition, each young artist in attendance was invited to be on stage and interviewed to talk about their art, their learning experience, their ideas, their connection to this art exhibition’s theme, and the time spent.
The event concluded with Matty and Andrew presenting the young artists with certificates of art exhibition participation. The young artists, their families, and their friends posed for group shots at Teen Central, the courtyard, and the library’s main entrance. And with that, the event ended on a high note. We hope to see many more years of these events!

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