On (EST)November 5, 2022, evening (Beijing time Nov 6, 2022 morning), Global Youth Philanthropy-Boston will organize a major online event. Three major components in this online event: 1), Celebration of the achievement of 15 GYP students to receive the 2022 President’s Volunteer Service Award; 2) the News of release GYP 2022 Art Show; 3) the News release for GYP 2022 students’ online concert.
Besides, two GYP-Boston students’ club leaders will also give introduction sessions on the recent GYP Debate club and GYP History Club.
The host of the event is Lucy Zhang
Lucy is the winner of the 2022 PVSA Gold

Andrew Zheng, who has been in charge of 2022 GYP Art show, will make news release on three onsite art shows in large Boston area this summer, and also the progress of GYP 2022 Online Art show that is scheduled to complete late of November this year.

Steven Alexander Miall, who has been in charge of 2022 GYP online concert, will make introducation of the whole production process and share a few outstanding parts of this online concert.

Ben Han, who is one of GYP Debate club leaders, will make introducation of GYP Debate club activities, such as entry level Public Speaking skill course, entry and advanced level of Debate skill courses. Ben will also introduce another feature of GYP Debate club: monthly mock online event that started on October 2022.

Sharon He, who is co-president of GYP History club, will introduce History club seminars that have started in October, 2022, and “GYP History Review” that is history essays writing project that five high school students are working on it now.

A few PVSA winners will also share their volunteering experiences or share his or her art talents online. The first hour of this event will be all in English and participated by young students all over the world.
The second part of the event will include short speaches of GYP World Network board member, GYP event partners, art advisors and distingualished guests.
This is opened event, so everyone is welcome to join the zoom meeting that time.
The event zoom link:
Topic: PVSA Celebration & Art Show-Online Concert News Release
Time: Nov 5, 2022 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 3343 1704
Passcode: gr1mr6