Ryan Tao is an upcoming 5th grader who goes to Bowman Elementary school. While his favorite subject in school is math, he relishes doing pencil sketches and gouache painting in his spare time. He consistently gets much support from his community and wants to give something back to them. He has been learning art for two years from his favorite teacher Cheng from Beijing. His favorite artist is Bob Ross.
Though he is unsure of what he likes specifically about his type of artwork, he believes that the best aspect that every artist should have if they wish to have a good painting is to practice and concentrate. As a young artist, his artworks were collected in Celebration Art Contest in 2020 and 2021 and displayed at the Lexington Town Hall for three years. “I am proud of my artworks,” he said, “to be selected by the city of Lexington.”

The artwork that he submitted consists of two cats who have a strong affection which each other, but they cannot physically see each other due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic. The artist hopes that the two cats will live happily with each other when the pandemic ends. He desires the artwork to illustrate two qualities: peace and love. Ryan is currently working on 3D fruit designs and has big plans in the future to share more of his artworks for the community to see. He is very grateful for how encouraging his community is to him and wishes everyone who sees his artwork will be more peaceful and, in his own words, have a “lovely mind.”

Q1, What is your name?
I am Ryan Tao.
Q2, What grade are you in, and what school do you attend? Any favorite school subjects?
I am going to 5th grade. I go to Bowman Elementary, and my favorite subject is math.
Q3, What is your favorite type of art? Other hobbies?
I like pencil sketching and enjoy gwash painting.
Q4, How long have you been learning? Any favorite art teacher?
I have been learning with my favorite teacher Chen from Beijing, for two years.
Q5, Any prizes, honors, or proud moments you want to share?
My artworks were collected into Celebration Art in 2020 and 2021 and get high manors in 2021. I am proud of my artworks have been selected by the city of Lexington to show up in the town center for three years.
Q6, what do you like about your type of art in general?
I am not sure.
Q7, Who is your favorite artist?
Bob Ross
Q8, What points or aspects do you believe a good artwork should have?
Practice and concentration
Q9, Do you mind describing the artwork you submitted or want to submit? Any sparkling moment in conception? What do you want to display? Any unique design of color or others? What kind of feeling does this artwork convey?
The artwork submitted to the central library is about two cats who love each other but can not see each other because of the Corvid 19. When Corvid 19 ended, they were happy living together.
Q10, Why do you want to submit this artwork for this event?
Peace of mind because it’s about peace and love.
Q11, Do you get any positive or critical feedback on this artwork? How would you respond? Which part would you wish to work on more?
Yes, thanks to everyone for supporting me. I would like to support my artwork back to the community.
Q12, Any other artwork you are working on right now and any big plans in the future?
I am working on the 3D fruit change to design. I would like to share my artwork with the whole community. I wish everyone saw my artwork to get a peaceful and lovely mind.
As reported by Evan Yifan Ding of Boston Latin School