
Star Painter | Joseph Du & his “Sunflower”

Joseph Du is a rising third grader from New Jersey. At the young age of 2 years old, he began his art journey by drawing balloons. A year later, he began attending art classes, and his passion for art has only increased. Joseph tells me, “I think art is fun. It brings me satisfaction and peace when I am drawing or doing crafts.” Because he thinks art makes the world look far better, he also enjoys visiting art museums with his parents to immerse himself in various pieces of artwork from different times and cultures. These pieces have taught him that there is no limit to one’s artistic expression in the world of art.

When asked about his artwork, Joseph tells me that he had help from his teacher to design this piece. Overall, it took a month to complete the drawing portion. Because he loves his work so much, he admits that he was hesitant to give it out but ultimately decided that he wanted people to see his artwork and love it as much as he does.

The theme his artwork represents is Peace and Hope. He included the powerful waves because one of his favorite activities is going to the beach with his family. He reflects, “I love standing at the shore and feeling the waves on my feet. It makes me feel at peace.” The sunflowers in this picture represent the warmth of sunlight and the hope it brings humanity. Joseph has a beautiful hope that this piece inspires people, although vastly different, to strive to build a better community that embraces differences.

Lastly, Joseph would like to thank his art teachers and event volunteers.

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