
Nine Videos avalible-GYP International Students Forum

Since May 22, 2021, Global Youth Philanthropy has organized a total of NINE online international students’ exchange events. Most of them are rich in content, interesting, and educational. The events include cultural sharing, science-focused, and talents show.

The videos of our student events are available on the Youtube channel of Global Youth Philanthropy:

Everyone is welcome to watch our student’s event videos and send us feedback at <>

Event 9 on June 18, 2022: Student’s View of Japenese Cultures sharing – the 2nd Intercultural Symposium.

Event 8 on May 28, 2022: A Pakistan Student shares Pakistan Cultures- the 1st Intercultural Symposium.

Event 7 on May 21, 2022: GYP Stem program and Philanthropy Discussion Forum

Event 6 on January 2, 2022- GYP New Year Students Talents Show

Event 5 on October 2, 2021- Preparing for the Era of Big Data

Events 4 on August 27, 2021-Sharing Canadian cultures and life by young students

Event 3 on August 7, 2021 – US Presidents and History

Event 2 on July 10, 2021- Community Service- Introduction of ” Bridge to Harmony”

Event 1 on May 22, 2021- After School Passion

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