
Star Tutor | Everlasting Light

Tingxuan is a high school student from Shenzhen China. Other than academics, she enjoys cooking and volunteering. She has participated in rescue activities for stray dogs in Shenzhen and tutoring. Tingxuan got to know GYP by the introduction of her mother’s friend who is also a volunteer at GYP. She thinks GYP is a good platform for volunteering and she is eager to do something to help people.

When Tingxuan was studying in America, her homestay family ran a Chinese school. She helped teach there when they were living together. Then, she finds herself loving to get along with children and loves the sense of achievement when she teaches kids. That’s what motivates her to be a volunteer.

Tingxuan is now tutoring a primary student in Jinan who had ALS and had recovered a lot with the help of machine treatment. In the beginning, Tingxuan was in charge of catching up on the lessons he missed during his treatment, and now she’s helping him to review for his middle school entrance exam. They have a meeting every Saturday night. Tingxuan will help him in answering questions about his courses — mainly English and Mathematics. However, Tingxuan sometimes has problems with the course Chinese. She came to America in Year 8 and stayed here for a year, that’s why her Chinese is not as good as other Chinese students. When the student asks questions about Chinese, she has to prepare in advance, which means she needs to review it or even study it to make sure she could answer the question. “Even if you are a native speaker of Chinese, using the language is not the same as actually teaching it.” She says. Though this work is sometimes challenging, she loves being his tutor and helping him.

We are very glad to have students like Tingxuan who dedicate themselves selflessly. The world may not be a paradise because conflict and suffering are objective realities. However, with volunteers like Tingxuan who are optimistic about life and actively want to help others, the world can be a better place.

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